Having transitioned from the Services ourselves, we realized that the current programs, while well-intended needed help in execution and to achieve desired outcomes for our Veterans. Many years ago, we took to the Hill to visit Congressmen and discuss the changes we feel passionately about seeing made to make the current Transition Assistance Program (TAP) even better and more effective.

We have developed a proprietary assessment methodology utilizing highly researched commercial products taking technology, science, and good old-fashioned human interaction, to give transitioning Veterans what they need to know in order to start transitioning successfully. We use our own system 100% across the board internally to our own operations and inform our day to day leadership and staffing with these results. Whether it is going to get a college degree, learn a trade, obtain employment in any industry or start your own business, our team has the tools and talent to help you choose the right path. We are partnering with top-tier Universities and working alongside Fortune 100 Corporate members to help companies and veterans get the most out of their talent.

As part of our commitment to this critical service and the desire to see our Veterans get the best of what is needed in transition we decided that we needed to strengthen even more of what we offered. We found the best in 2019 when The Albers Group acquired American Strengths Company, founded by Dr JE Caterson, and have retained Dr. Caterson’s leadership & voice in this exciting new Division of The Albers Group.

An Albers Group Company

Strategically, we are looking to partner with like-minded companies that have the same passion to see the TAP program improved so that we can all work to serve those Veterans who are or are about to transition after us. We know what it was like and we are here to see YOU succeed!


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